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Learn how to develop a robust cryptocurrency exchange software and raise millions!

· exchange software,Cryptocurrency,trading

Cryptocurrencies at present are the “ talk of the town” and they are revolutionizing the business sphere. In this fast-paced and highly-competitive world, if you want to raise enormous profits in the quickest and most efficient way, cryptocurrencies are the way to go! Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies. And cryptocurrency exchanges are platforms that allow traders to exchange their cryptocurrencies for other digital assets or fiat money! The crypto exchanges are backed by blockchain technology, which secures, controls and verifies the transactions that are happening on the platform by a chain of blocks coded with cryptography. There are various types of crypto exchange platforms such as,

  • Centralized exchanges

  • Decentralized exchanges

  • Peer-to-peer exchanges

  • Coinbase-like controlled exchanges

  • Leverage/Margin exchanges

  • Futures exchanges

These are the various types of crypto exchanges that are making rounds among business magnates in the market. Currently, there are about 20,799 crypto exchanges existing in the market. But, the competition and demand are still very much alive. Many budding entrepreneurs are striving to develop their own cryptocurrency exchange to become viral and fulfill their business aspirations. If you are one of them, this blog is for you! At the end of reading this blog, you will know the benefits of developing a crypto exchange platform and how to develop a reliable cryptocurrency exchange software that will bring upon tremendous success and widen your scope among credible investors in the market. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

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Why a crypto exchange platform? What are the benefits?

A crypto exchange platform basically helps with quick, efficient and secure transactions. Excluding these, there are also other advantages such as,

  • Decentralization

  • Globalization

  • Quick settlements

  • User anonymity

  • Transparency

  • Low-cost transactions

  • High volume Liquidity

  • 24x7 trading

  • Elimination of third parties

  • Lower risk possibilities

  • Undivided Ownership

  • Efficient management of funds

How to build an authentic cryptocurrency exchange platform? Essential components:

  • Multi-currency support integration

  • Multi-language support integration

  • Legal Compliance

  • Dominant, trading matching engine

  • Secure, Multi-currency wallet integration

  • Advanced API integration

  • Blockchain technology integration

  • Smart contracts integration

  • Automated KYC/AML verification

  • Order sharing

  • Mobile applications

  • Payment gateway integration

  • Two Factor Authentication

  • Scaling and customizable flexibility

The above mentioned are the essential elements that shouldn’t be missed while developing a crypto exchange platform. To blend in all these factors together and develop a successful crypto exchange will require an ample amount of time and technical reinforcement. Therefore, the best option will be to choose an existing, well-recognized cryptocurrency exchange development company! Such companies will offer a white-label crypto exchange software that ensures saving up your time and money substantially. Their platforms will also assure quick deployment process, reliability, end-to-end security and technical integrations.

Other than this, there are also some exclusive features these cryptocurrency software solutions companies offer which will enhance your business to the next phase, and attract a wide range of customers all around the globe. Integrating them into your platform will increase your credibility and help you stand out from your existing competitors. Let’s find out what they are!

Unique features to upsell your business among potential customers:

  • Spot trading - Allows traders to make bulk orders and is integrated with a powerful trading engine which helps with instant matching, and opening and closing of orders. This feature ensures not only speedy processing but also utmost security.

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) - Allows direct buying and selling among investors. This helps customers to purchase with proper legalization, also ensures top-notch security and quick transactions.

  • Leverage/ Margin Trading - This is currently the most trending feature among potential investors. Here, users can borrow leverage larger than their initial margin, which helps them expand their position in the market and raise tremendous profits.

  • Future-Trading - This option allows customers to schedule their transactions in advance and efficiently execute without any authority.

  • Fiat-to-crypto - With the high-volume liquidity provided by the platform, users can easily convert fiat money into cryptocurrencies.

  • Marketing techniques - Marketing through launching various product tools such as mining, broker system, referral schemes, etc., to enhance the business among customers.

Final Thoughts:

Thus, acquiring reliable solutions from a well-founded crypto exchange development company with all the above-mentioned features and necessary integrations will gain huge traction among global customers to invest in your project. One such company with a team of some of the most experienced developers is Blockchain App Factory. Their experts will provide tried and tested, most trusted, tailor-made turnkey cryptocurrency exchange software platform, that is feature-rich. It ensures 100% security as well as a smooth and successful business. Their platforms are also highly scalable and can be customized according to your preferences, at the most affordable prices! So what are you waiting for? Go, get your crypto exchange platform from them, and become a millionaire!