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How To Launch A Cryptocurrency Exchange With Margin Trading Facility?

· Cryptocurrency,exchange software

Cryptocurrency is gaining a lot of traction amongst traders. While the consistent price volatility of cryptocurrencies discourages most, traders leverage this phenomenon to increase their profits. Traditional stock market strategies such as short selling, scalping, futures trading and more, are adopted in many cryptocurrency exchanges.

Margin Trading is one such strategy that is capturing a lot of attention. This practice involves traders borrowing capital for investing and using it to increase their profits. The trader then pays back the lender the principal amount along with a small interest. This way, the borrowers get to place larger buy orders while the lenders earn interest and the whole arrangement benefits both parties. Even though margin trading seems like an easy way to double your profits, one is advised to be very cautious as this strategy is subject to market risk and may sometimes prove detrimental to the borrower.

Cryptocurrency exchange software

Owing to it’s growing popularity, the number of cryptocurrency exchanges offering margin trading is steadily increasing. Now, it is quite simple to launch your cryptocurrency exchange software with margin trading facility. Blockchain App Factory is a leading development company that provides premium cryptocurrency exchange software services. They have worked on a wide variety of blockchain and cryptocurrency projects that have garnered positive testimonials from their previous clients. Additionally, their solutions adhere to the prevailing regulations and feature multiple payment options that allow for easy liquidation of funds. Moreover, Blockchain App Factory has an excellent team of specialists who can develop your white label crypto exchange in no time!